Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ISTE standards for students (Prompt #3)

The 5 ISTE standards are very helpful in determining activites to do with students. Not only to they help decide what you should do, but also you can compare activites to the standards to see if they meet the standards, which they should. Here are some examples in which the 5 standards can be used: Creativity and Innovation can be met by doing a reseach paper. Kids are using information that they already know, but also searching for new information. Communication and Collaboration can be met by putting students into groups and having them create a power point together about a specific subject. They must collaborate with their classmates about what to include. Research and Information Fluency can be met by giving students a list of questions about a subject matter that they don't know much about. They have use research tools to find answers to these questions. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making can be met by doing an advocacy project. Students must research, solve a problem, and make decisions about what should be done. Digital Citizenship can be met by simply standing in front of you class and teaching them about correct use of technology. There are some sites that aren't always reliable, and students need to learn to be responsible with technology. The teacher should give them a positive look into technology. Finally, Technology Operations and Concepts can be met by giving them an assemesment based on what you, as the teacher, just told them in the previous step. Studens need to prove that they understand how to use technology. This can be done orally, a worksheet, a test, or in a written paragraph. Every teacher likes to assess students differently.

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